Courses for youth and adults

Courses for youth and adults

The courses for young people and adults always take place on Mondays and Thursdays from 7.00 pm in the rooms of our academy.
Beginners can join the ongoing classes at any time and receive the best possible training. In one of the most respected and effective Kung Fu styles of ancient China, Hung Kuen Kung Fu.

The Hung Kuen Kung Fu of the world-renowned Lau family

Hung Kuen Kung Fu is predominantly a highly effective close combat system which, like most Kung Fu styles, has its roots in the Shaolin monastery of historical China. Over the centuries, the style has been expanded, refined and adapted to the requirements of each era. In modern times, Kung Fu became known to an international audience mainly through the pioneering work of protagonists such as Bruce Lee or Lau Kar Leung.

In the classes of the International Lau Family Hung Kuen Kung Fu Academy we teach the original. This means that we dedicate our training to the roots and applicability of Hung Kuen Kung Fu.

International stars such as Chackie Chan, who were taught in the Hung Kuen of the Lau family for the film industry, were only allowed to learn parts of the complete, original style, adapted to the needs of the film set.

In the classes of the Lau Academy in Salzburg it is now possible - unique in the world - to learn the complete original system of Lau Family Hung Kuen Kung Fu for the first time.

We look forward to seeing you!

free trial training

To arrange a free trial training at our Kung Fu Academy, please write to us using the Contact form or call us at

+43 (0)681 / 81 81 86 90

Alternatively, you can simply drop by without obligation on one of the two training days (Mondays or Thursdays) at the Academy on Mirabellplatz during the class times listed below.

contact us now